2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 - 6)

PS 29 Abstract - Earth's natural fertilizer: Foliar uptake of insoluble phosphorus from desert dust stimulate plant growth

Sudeep Tiwari1,2, Ran Erel2 and Avner Gross1, (1)The Department of Geograpy, Ben Gurion University, Israel, (2)Gilat Reaserch Center, Israel

Phosphorus (P) scarcity constrains plant growth in many ecosystems worldwide. The common paradigm proposes that plants acquire P exclusively from the soil and adjust to P limited conditions by numerous modifications of their rhizosphere. Apart of the soil, terrestrial ecosystems can gain P from external sources through atmospheric deposition. Among atmospheric P sources, desert dust is by far the most dominant, with average P concentrations that are far higher than in most soils. In many ecosystems that are nearby or downwind to major dust sources, dust P inputs can be higher than the soil P pools and increase the supply of P to plants. However, no attempts have be made to study the effects of dust P on plant nutrition and whether plants can adopt specialized physiological mechanisms to exploit dust P. We studied the effects of dust P on the nutrition and growth of wheat and chickpea, two widespread native species to the Middle East where dust storms are a common phenomenon, and on maize that originated in Central America, a region that is rarely affected by desert dust. The plants were grown at two P levels in a controlled greenhouse and were supplied with desert dust through manual dispersion on their leaves.


Our findings show that P starved plants can sustain their nutrition through foliar uptake of P from desert dust captured on their leaves. We found that the foliar uptake of dust P enhanced the growth of P starved chickpea and wheat, plants that originated in ecosystems downwind of deserts, by 115 % and 150 %. Starved maize plants, originated far away from dust sources, showed marginal responses to dust. In chickpea and wheat but not maize, P starvation stimulated the formation of denser trichomes, which increased their dust holding capacity. Furthermore, acidic leaf surface pH and increased exudation of organic acids in P starved chickpea and wheat plants promoted P solubilization. Lastly, leaf structural modifications induced by P starvation enhanced leaf permeability to solutes. Our results suggest that plants that originated from dusty regions acclimate to P poor conditions by adopting foliar physiological traits that facilitate dust P acquisition. As both P limitation and dust deposition are projected to increase due to global environmental changes, plants that exploit dust P would gain competitive advantage over other species.