Summer of 2019, Louisville, KY was selected to host the Ecology Society of America’s national meeting. City officials identified some of the top ecological problems within the city with hopes of receiving solutions to recognized obstacles. The Earth Stewardship Initiative (ESI) was a demonstration project in Louisville within the national Ecology Society of America convention. ESI’s founder, Dr. Alexander Felson, connected graduate student researchers with city officials and professional scientists in hopes of addressing the ecological concerns within the city. One identified problem was the Maple Street area located within the California district. Maple Street is a noncontagious, 18-acre, flood prone area of residential and industry. After severe flooding in August 2009, a FEMA grant was awarded to assist in relocation efforts for residents, targeting the Maple Street area which experienced the greatest flood effects. Random soil testing of the area was proposed, analyzing soil for presence of heavy metals and potential pathogenic bacteria frequently associated with sewage flooding including fecal coliforms, E. coli, and Enterobacteriaceae. Soil testing results determines the direction of succeeding steps; however, all plans incorporate a “Built to Fail” course of action, taking into account the area will flood.
Members of the community request influence of future land usage including proposed athletic fields, community gardens, and area beautification. Recommendations of land division into parcels for community ownership, businesses, and organizations were advised as well as area connectivity. Future land usage should be greatly influenced by community members. However, precise testing will determine the plan of action within the flood prone residential and industrial area.