COS 103 - Evolution: Genetic Isolation And Differentiation

Friday, August 16, 2019: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
L011/012, Kentucky International Convention Center
Tobin Hammer
8:00 AM
Intraspecific variation in productivity of a dominant marsh sedge and implications for ecosystem function
Megan L. Vahsen, University of Notre Dame; Michael J. Blum, University of Tennessee; J. Patrick Megonigal, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center; Jason McLachlan, University of Notre Dame
8:20 AM
Using phylogenetic transformations to account for effects of sequencing error and intra-specific variation on operational taxonomic unit (OTU) assignment in microbial ecology
Austin C. Koontz, Utah State University; William D. Pearse, Utah State University; Bonnie Waring, Utah State University
8:40 AM
The role of cryptic ploidy variation on phenotype and as a barrier to reproduction in the wildflower Claytonia virginica
Savannah R. Phipps, University of Indianapolis; Daniel Scholes, University of Indianapolis
9:20 AM
Climate as a barrier to dispersal over mountain passes: Is gene flow reduced across elevational gradients in tropical Andean beetles?
Ethan B. Linck, University of Tennessee; Jorge E. Celi, Universidad Regional AmazĂłnica Ikiam; Kimberly S. Sheldon, University of Tennessee
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
Assessing the independent effects of hybridization and whole genome duplication on adaptation
Kali Z. Mattingly, The Ohio State University; Stephen M. Hovick, The Ohio State University
10:10 AM
Hybrids outperform parents under novel growing conditions: An experimental test using constructed hybrids of Arabidopsis thaliana
Kattia Palacio-Lopez, University of Vermont, Ohio State University; Jane Molofsky, The University of Vermont
10:30 AM
Invasive sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) show evidence of incipient resistance to a pesticide
Xiaoshen Yin, Purdue University; Maria S. SepĂșlveda, Purdue University; Mark R. Christie, Purdue University
10:50 AM Cancelled
COS 103-9
Genetic similarity and differentiation of Eurasian and hybrid watermilfoil across Michigan and Minnesota lakes (widthdrawn)
Ryan A. Thum, Montana State University; Gregory M. Chorak, Montana State University
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