COS 9 - Environmental Gradients

Monday, August 12, 2019: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
L013, Kentucky International Convention Center
Damian Preziosi
1:30 PM
Woodland-grassland transitions are strongly associated with soil hydrology but not fuel loads or fire in Serengeti savannas
Ricardo M. Holdo, University of Georgia; T. Michael Anderson, Wake Forest University
1:50 PM
The biogeography of dormancy evolution
Natalie Jones, University of Queensland; Rachel Germain, University of British Columbia; Tess N. Grainger, Princeton University; Montana Hickey, University of Queensland; Genia Hill, University of Queensland; Margie Mayfield, University of Queensland
2:10 PM
Migrating marsh meets maritime forest: Plasticity of salt marsh hay under novel upland conditions
Emily J. Kottler, The George Washington University; Keryn Gedan, George Washington University
2:30 PM
Interacting effects of drivers of tree mortality decline across an altitudinal stress gradient
Joan Dudney, University of California, Davis; Jonathan Nesmith, National Park Service; Adrian Das, USGS Western Ecological Research Center; Nathan L. Stephenson, United States Geological Survey; John J. Battles, University of California, Berkeley
2:50 PM
Investigation of the peninsula effect using the latitudinal abundance pattern for tree species in Florida
Youngsang Kwon, University of Memphis; Lian Feng, University of Memphis
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
Spatial and temporal controls of water availability on the partitioning of above-belowground productivity
Laureano Gherardi, Arizona State University; Osvaldo Sala, Arizona State University; Courtney M. Currier, Arizona State University; André Franco, Colorado State University; Diana Wall, Colorado State University
3:40 PM
Effects of elevation and geographic location on diversity of soil bacteria, fungi, and invertebrates in montane ecosystems
Erin Cameron, Saint Mary's University; Melissa Cregger, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Greg Newman, University of Vermont; M. Noelia Barrios-Garcia, CONICET; Julie Deslippe, Victoria University of Wellington; Jin-Sheng He, Peking University; Mark Hovenden, University of Tasmania; Toke T. Hoye, Aarhus University; Jennie R. McLaren, University of Texas at El Paso; Christian Rixen, Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research; Mariano A. Rodriguez-Cabal, INIBIOMA, CONICET; Maja Sundqvist, Umeå University; Sonja Wipf, WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF; M. Thomas P. Gilbert, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen; Sarah Siu Tze Mak, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen; Martin Nielsen, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen; Lara Puetz, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen; Aimée T. Classen, University of Vermont; Nathan J. Sanders, University of Vermont
4:00 PM
Comparing effects of saltwater intrusion on carbon loss among coastal wetland ecosystems: From monitoring to mechanisms
John Kominoski, Florida International University; Evelyn Gaiser, Florida International University; Marcelo Ardon, North Carolina State University; Emily Bernhardt, Duke University; Lisa G. Chambers, University of Central Florida; Sean P. Charles, Florida International University; Julia Cherry, University of Alabama; Christopher B. Craft, Indiana University; Stephen Davis, Everglades Foundation; Keryn Gedan, George Washington University; Ashley M. Helton, University of Connecticut; Matthew L. Kirwan, Virginia Institute of Marine Science; Ken W. Krauss, U.S. Geological Survey; J. Patrick Megonigal, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center; Scott C. Neubauer, Virginia Commonwealth University; Michael J. Osland, U.S. Geological Survey; Steven Pennings, University of Houston; Shelby Servais, United States Fish and Wildlife Service; Tiffany G. Troxler, Florida International University; Katherine Tully, University of Maryland; Benjamin J. Wilson, United States Fish and Wildlife Service
4:20 PM
Biogeography of functional redundancy in Eurasian small mammals across multiple traits
Pablo Moreno-Garcia, Univerity of Florida; Benjamin Baiser, University of Florida
4:40 PM
Carrying capacity in a heterogeneous environment with habitat connectivity
Bo Zhang, Oklahoma State University; David Van Dyken, University of Miami; Donald DeAngelis, U. S. Geological Survey
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