COS 24-8 - Modeling tree diversity, stand structure & productivity of northern temperate coniferous forests of Mexico

Tuesday, August 13, 2019: 10:30 AM
L010/014, Kentucky International Convention Center
Jose Navar, Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico / Instituto Tecnologico de Ciudad Victoria, Mexico
Background/Question/Methods . Recent research reports evidence complex forest structure and tree diversity correlate positively with forest productivity. However, these linkages are yet to be tested on northern temperate coniferous forests of Mexico. This report set as a major goal to answer the following question: Is stand productivity, diversity and structure related in northern temperate coniferous forests of Mexico? Therefore, this study aims to: (i) parameterize tree diversity, stand structure, and forest productivity and (ii) test the hypothesis that tree diversity and canopy structure positively correlates with forest productivity. Forest data from 36 permanent sampling plots inventoried in 1982, 1993, and 2004 was used to parameterize and to test the set null hypothesis.

Results/Conclusions . Data analysis revealed normally-distributed vertical canopy strata, J-inverse diameter structures, and tree diversity positively correlated with forest productivity. Tree diversity appeared to play an important role in the early to intermediate stages of succession. Further research is required to understand the long-term effects of tree diversity and canopy structure on forest productivity. In the meantime, silvicultural guidelines must aim to maintain the tree-dimensional structure and diversity of forest canopies to preserve ecosystem function, diversity, and productivity.