PS 36-30 - Interactive effects of global change factors on terrestrial ecosystem productivity are treatment length and intensity dependent

Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Exhibit Hall, Kentucky International Convention Center
Zilong Ma, Renewable Resources, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
  1. Background/Question/Methods: Individual effects of co-occurring global change factors on ecosystem productivity have been widely studied; however, their interactive effects are poorly understood. Here, we conducted a global meta-analysis to examine the interactive effects on ecosystem productivity of global change factors including elevated [CO2], warming, nitrogen addition, irrigation, drought, and changes in species diversity.
  2. Results/Conclusions: Of the factors studied, six pairs had additive and two pairs had synergistic interactions. Importantly, the synergistic interactions between elevated [CO2] and nitrogen addition became additive at high nitrogen addition rates, whereas the synergistic interactions between irrigation and warming diminished at higher temperatures. Over time, the additive effect between elevated [CO2] and increased species richness switched to synergistic. Our results suggest that global change factors interactively affect ecosystem productivity, and the interaction type shifts with experimental duration and treatment intensity. Context-dependent nature of interactive effects indicates that global change effects are much more complex than we previously thought.