INS 17-3 - Where NEON and natural history collections data meet: Exploring the NEON Biorepository data portal

Friday, August 16, 2019
M108, Kentucky International Convention Center
Nico M. Franz, Edward E. Gilbert, Azhar P. Husain, M. Andrew Johnston, Laura Rocha Prado, Laura Steger and Kelsey Yule, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
The National Ecological Observatory Network / NEON Biorepository, located at Arizona State University, is receiving 45 different kinds of organismal samples from NEON's 81 field sites; including vertebrate, invertebrate, plant, and various microbial or environmental samples stored at different conditions pursuant to future study and analysis. To improve sample discoverability, we are building an integrated NEON Biorepository data portal (, based on the Darwin Core (DwC) data standard and Symbiota software platform ( This Inspire presentation will focus on the potential of our approach to achieve increasingly shared, de-centralized access to NEON organismal data, valued-added products, and derivative data services.