INS 10-1 - Biosphere reserves: Linking protected spaces and communities

Wednesday, August 14, 2019
M108, Kentucky International Convention Center
Rickard S. Toomey III, Mammoth Cave National Park, National Park Service, Mammoth Cave, KY
International Biosphere Reserves (UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program) provide a phenomenal opportunity for protected areas to work cooperatively with local communities to preserve significant biological resources, to develop economically sound economic growth, and to support research, education, and outreach. Mammoth Cave National Park is the core of the Mammoth Cave Area Biosphere Reserve that protects over 900,000 acres. The Reserve is governed by a council comprised on federal government employees, state and local government officials, university cooperators, and representatives of cooperating NGOs. By design, Biosphere Reserves foster inclusive approaches to conservation, research, and public engagement.