OOS 11-1 - Empowering academic allies: Intentional relationships for advancing relevant research

Tuesday, August 13, 2019: 1:30 PM
M100, Kentucky International Convention Center
Mila Kellen Marshall, Department of Biological Science M/C 066, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL

Strategic connections are a powerful way to move forward ideas and connect resources. Researchers are an invaluable source of knowledge and expertise. Curiosity of academics can come into conflict with the needs of the local community because of lack of awareness related to issues, absence of a diverse network, inability to balance non-academic network connections with current ways of working.


This talk presents examples of how to cultivate intentional relationships, followed by sharing insight on how to use those relationships to generate an awareness of interesting questions for novel research, as well as discussing ways to embed the value of these research experiences and connections to benefit the next generation of science informed proffesional allies. A more thoughtful recognition of how our research priorities are shaped requires self reflection on how serious we are at allowing our gifts and talents to be used to solve not just the problems we find worthy, but the problems that are worthy of being solved.