2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)

PS 71 - Latebreaking: Restoration Ecology

Friday, August 10, 2018: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
ESA Exhibit Hall, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Vegetation establishment in a constructed fen in Alberta’s Oil Sands Region
Andrea Borkenhagen, Colorado State University; David J. Cooper, Colorado State University
Effects of clonality on heavy metal tolerance of clonal ferns
Huazheng Lu, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles
How effective are planting strategies for restoring vegetation of riparian trail crossings degraded by off-highway vehicles?
Raiany D.A. Silva, University of Alberta; Anne McIntosh, University of Alberta; S. Ellen Macdonald, University of Alberta; Kerri Widenmaier, Gen7 Environmental Solutions
Woodland restoration in the Ouachita National Forest of Arkansas and Oklahoma
Gabriel L. De Jong, The Nature Conservancy; Virginia L. McDaniel, USDA Forest Service; Susan Hooks, Forest Service; Doug Zollner, The Nature Conservancy; Theo Witsell, Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission; Brent Baker, Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission
Assessing the cadmium bio-remediation potential of Chara longifolia, in freshwater and saltwater sediments
Austin Taylor Nottingham, University at Buffalo; Mary A. Bisson, University at Buffalo
PS 71-242
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in pine needles (widthdrawn)
Jessica Paola Saldierna Guzmán, UC Merced
See more of: Latebreaking Posters