2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)

COS 100 - Ecosystem Stability And Resilience II

Thursday, August 9, 2018: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
238, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
8:00 AM
Positive demographic feedbacks at the level of mycorrhizal guilds in a temperate forest
Cassandra Allsup, University of Wisconsin; Richard Lankau, University of Wisconsin
8:20 AM
Greater variability in local vegetation structure increases forest resilience to wildfire
Michael J. Koontz, University of California Davis; Malcolm P. North, USDA Forest Service; Andrew M. Latimer, University of California Davis
8:40 AM
Resilience of restored insect communities to extreme weather: A natural experiment
Csaba Szepesváry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Ecological Research; Zoltán Boros, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Ecological Research; Béla Mester, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Ecological Research; Márton Szabolcs, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Ecological Research; Edvárd Mizsei, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Ecological Research; Oliver T. Mérő, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Ecological Research; Szabolcs Lengyel, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Ecological Research
9:00 AM
Predicting climate change effects on African ecosystems using an individual-based, mechanistic modelling approach
Georgina L Adams, University College London; Elizabeth Boakes, University College London; Tim Newbold, University College London; Ben Collen, University College London
9:20 AM
Effects of climate change and fragmentation on forest dynamics
Virginia Iglesias, University of Colorado Boulder
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
Dynamic stability: Empirical measurements and their insights
Ethan Deyle, UC San Diego; George Sugihara, University of California San Diego; Masayuki Ushio, Japan Science and Technology Agency; Chih-hao Hsieh, National Taiwan University
10:10 AM
Defining the dimensions of resilience to inform forest management
Carrie R. Levine, University of California, Davis; Wayne P. Sousa, University of California, Berkeley; John J. Battles, University of California, Berkeley
10:30 AM
Can invasion be reversed by removing the main driver or has a regime shift occurred? A test case using a simulated wetland ecosystem
Jason P. Martina, Texas A&M University; William S. Currie, University of Michigan; Kenneth J. Elgersma, University of Northern Iowa; Deborah Goldberg, University of Michigan
10:50 AM
Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula): Importance of controlled burns and impacts of poaching on plant numbers, distribution, and viability
Dale Shew, Biological Consultant; Roger Shew, University of North Carolina, Wilmington; Angie Carl, SECP Nature Conservancy; Dan Ryan, Georgia Nature Conservancy; Zachary West, SECP Nature Conservancy
11:10 AM
Examining boreal forests responses to temperature using bryophytes: Forest type matters!
Marion Barbé, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue; Mathieu Bouchard, Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs; Nicole Fenton, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
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