2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)

COS 53 - Restoration Ecology II

Tuesday, August 7, 2018: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
339, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
1:30 PM
Compensatory wetland mitigation and its role in regional biotic homogenization
Jeffrey W. Matthews, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Edward P. F. Price, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Greg Spyreas, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1:50 PM
Analysis of historic monitoring data to elucidate trajectories in the development of created barrier shoreline vegetation communities
Jonathan M. Willis, Nicholls State University; Mark W. Hester, University of Louisiana; Darin Lee, Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority
2:10 PM
Restoration of mining impacted landscapes after traditional reclamation
Robert W. Pal, Montana Tech of the University of Montana; Mark D. Mariano, Montana Tech of the University of Montana; Stella Capoccia, Montana Tech of the University of Montana; David U. Nagy, University of Pecs, Faculty of Sciences
2:30 PM
Fire, and not soil disturbance, is the best way to restore Corema conradii (broom crowberry) heathlands
Betsy Von Holle, National Science Foundation; Kirsten M. Martin, University of Central Florida; Alexis Doshas, University of Central Florida; David Crary II, Cape Cod National Seashore
2:50 PM
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
The role of phylogenetic diversity in invasion resistance and community stability: Implications for restoration
Adrienne R. Ernst, Northwestern University and Chicago Botanic Garden; Andrew L. Hipp, The Morton Arboretum; Andrea T. Kramer, Chicago Botanic Garden
3:40 PM
Of mice and management: Small mammals and the impacts of herbicide at a restored prairie
Nick Steijn, Northern Illinois University; Kirstie Savage, Northern Illinois University; Holly P. Jones, Northern Illinois University
4:00 PM
Cost-benefit analysis of mangrove restoration to protect coastal habitats and help people adapt to climate change in Quelimane, Mozambique
Tulika A. Narayan, Abt Associates Inc; Lindsay Foley, Abt Associates Inc.; Jacqueline Haskell, Healthcentric Advisors; David Cooley, Abt Associates Inc.; Eric L. Hyman, U.S. Agency for International Development; Daniel M. Evans, US Agency for International Development
4:20 PM
Identifying and reversing invasive grass microbial legacy effects that harm native plants
Brooke Pickett, UC Riverside; Irina Irvine, National Park Service; Emma L. Aronson, University of California Riverside
See more of: Contributed Talks