2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)

PS 46 - Physiology

Thursday, August 9, 2018: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
ESA Exhibit Hall, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
The relationship between production of secondary metabolites and environmental conditions in Abies koreana
Jinhee Kim, National Institute of Ecology; Kyung Ah Koo, Korea Environment Institute; Chungkwang Lee, National Institute of Ecology
Programmed for growth, not for plasticity: Carbon thresholds and hydraulic dysfunction in 1st-year conifer seedlings
Steven P. Augustine, Idaho State University; Keith Reinhardt, Idaho State University
Post drought recovery in Malosma laurina after severe dieback during California’s history drought of 2012-2016
Karagan L. Smith, Pepperdine University; Guinevere X. Mesh, Swarthmore; Natalie M. Aguirre, Pepperdine University; Helen I. Holmlund, University of California Santa Cruz; Stephen D. Davis, Pepperdine University
Leaf and canopy physiological and phenological responses to 40% throughfall reduction in a 12-year-old longleaf pine plantation
Caren Custodio Mendonca, Auburn University; Lisa J. Samuelson, Auburn University; Tom A. Stokes, Auburn University; Michael Ramirez, Auburn University
Coastal grassland species vary in physiological response to salinity stress
Audrey S Kirschner, Virginia Commonwealth University; Julie Zinnert, Virginia Commonwealth University
How cloudy is too cloudy? A test of the light-limitation hypothesis in a temperate mountain cloud forest
Keith Reinhardt, Idaho State University; Ryan E. Emanuel, NC State University; L Baker Perry, Appalachian State University
Metabolic rates, Q10 coefficients, and reaction norms of hatchling turtles: Comparisons with behavior
Miranda Figueras, Hofstra University; Kent Hatch, LIU Post; Beverly Roeder, Brigham Young University; Russell L. Burke, Hofstra University
Leaf and wood hydraulic traits along a heat- to frost-tolerance spectrum
Dan F. Koepke, Desert Botanical Garden; Davis Blasini, Desert Botanical Garden; Susan Bush, Desert Botanical Garden; Kevin C. Grady, Northern Arizona University; Kevin R. Hultine, Desert Botanical Garden
Exploring how nutrient content affects growth and trap development in the carnivorous plant bladderwort (Utricularia)
Eshan Bhardwaj, California State University Fresno; Otto Berg, California State University Fresno; Ulrike Muller, California State University at Fresno; John T. Bushoven, California State University, Fresno
Effects of drought and competition on physiology and growth of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) trees
Kelly Kerr, University of Utah; Nicole Zenes, University of Utah; William Anderegg, University of Utah
The effect of drought and a grass invader on three southeastern pine species
Laura L. Young, Georgia Southern University; Kerrie Sendall, Georgia Southern University; Luke Flory, University of Florida
Vertical gradients of leaf and air temperature in a tropical wet forest canopy
Benjamin D. Miller, Michigan Technological University; Molly A. Cavaleri, Michigan Technological University; Kelsey R. Carter, Michigan Technological University
PS 46-134
Life history benefits of UV-B irradiation in a marine copepod (Tigriopus californicus)
Kyle B. Heine, Auburn University; Matthew J. Powers, Auburn University; Ryan J. Weaver, Auburn University; Wendy R. Hood, Auburn University
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