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PS 20
- Parasitism And Host-Parasite Interactions
Tuesday, August 7, 2018: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
ESA Exhibit Hall, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
PS 20-104
Turning a lion into a lamb: The consequence of
Plasmodium azurophilum
infection on
Anolis gundlachi’s
behavior and its part in community dynamics
David R. Clark Jr.
University of Puerto Rico- Rio Piedras
Miguel A. Acevedo
Universidad de Puerto Rico
PS 20-105
Relationship between gastropod abundance, moose density, and the deadly moose parasite brainworm (
Amairani B. Marin Tovar
Cornell University
Sarah M. Scott-Cruz
Cornell University
Alec Wong
Cornell University
Angela K. Fuller
U.S. Geological Survey
Vanessa L. Springer
Cornell University
PS 20-106
Climbing in Importance: Gastropod behavior and prevalence of
Parelaphostrongylus tenuis
in the Adirondacks
Sarah M. Scott-Cruz
Cornell University
Amairani B. Marin Tovar
Cornell University
Alec Wong
Cornell University
Angela K. Fuller
New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Cornell University
Vanessa L. Springer
Cornell University
PS 20-107
Temperature as a limiting factor in the spread of an invasive snail species
Rebecca Z. Bachtel
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
Jennifer A.H. Koop
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
PS 20-108
Survey of the parasite taxa and communities in freshwater fishes
Nicole Chodkowski
Radford University
Randy Bernot
Ball State University
PS 20-109
Spatial variation in the intestinal parasite community of raccoons (
Procyon lotor
) across three distinct anthropogenic zones in Michigan
Sofia S. Kruszka
University of Michigan
Beatriz Aguilar
University of Michigan
Nyeema C. Harris
Applied Wildlife Ecology (AWE) Lab, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan
PS 20-110
Landscape drivers of genetic diversity and parasite susceptibility
Nicholas Ivers
University of Texas at Austin
Shalene Jha
University of Texas at Austin
PS 20-111
Exploring the infection dynamics of
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
and soil nematodes: A host parasite system
Nichole A. Laggan
University of Tampa
Taegan A. McMahon
University of Tampa
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