Wednesday, August 8, 2018: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
244, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Scott Ferrenberg
Akasha Faist
Kristina E. Young
Scott Ferrenberg
Drylands cover 41% of the world’s total land area, are home to roughly 38% of the human population, serve as important agricultural systems, and play key roles in determining interannual variation in atmospheric CO2 concentration and the size of terrestrial C sinks. These socioeconomically and ecologically important ecosystems have long been renown for their tempestuous weather and interannual climate variation. Models indicate these systems will experience more extreme weather and climate events with continued rapid warming. Yet, many organisms common to drylands are adapted to severe water limitations and high temperatures. This raises the question “what is an extreme event in drylands and which types of these events are most likely to impact ecosystem structure and functioning“. Evidence suggests that the responses of dryland ecosystems to climate change will vary in relation to the direct and interactive influences of vegetation community structure, edaphic properties, and current and historical land-use patterns--factors that can vary dramatically within and among dryland systems. How these factors will influence responses to extremes, however, is not well studied and there is a pressing need for approaches to quantify “extremes” within a consistent framework across drylands and for research examining how extreme events interact with biotic and abiotic landscape features to affect ecosystem structure and function at spatiotemporal scales relevant to science and land management. In this session, experts in drylands and from a wide range of disciplines will explore methods for characterizing extreme events and for their management across different drylands.