2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)

WK 26 - Navigating NSF: Opportunities for Funding Research and Training

Tuesday, August 7, 2018: 11:30 AM-1:15 PM
352, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Elizabeth Blood
Betsy Von Holle , Cesar R. Nufio , Kathryn Cottingham , Doug Levey , Ann K. Sakai , Alan J. Tessier , Matt Kane , Dan Gruner , Michael W. Binford and John D. Schade
The National Science Foundation(NSF) provides many opportunities for funding basic research and training in ecology and related disciplines. The Foundation supports researchers at all career stages, including undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral students and early career faculty. The purposes of this session are to inform our communities about current funding opportunities at NSF and to receive comments and suggestions on how the Foundation can best serve the discipline. NSF representatives will include program officers from programs broadly relevant to ecology and environmental research and training.  Topics that will be covered include basic research proposals and the review process given the transition to no-preproposals/no deadlines, new and continuing special competitions, cross-cutting programs, alternative funding mechanisms, and network and observatory infrastructure support. Following a brief presentation, much of the session will be town-hall style Q&A. Audience members are encouraged to bring questions.

Registration Fee: $0

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