Monday, August 6, 2018: 10:15 AM-11:30 AM
348-349, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Alan Berkowitz
Carmen Cid
Bob R. Pohlad
Kenneth Klemow
George A. Middendorf
Diane Ebert-May
Rebecca C. Jordan
Luanna Prevost
Teresa Mourad
Steward Pickett
Scott Collins
Katherine L. Gross
Laura Huenneke
Richard Pouyat
Ann Bartuska
Terry Chapin
A panel of ESA presidents will share insights and recommendations for the 4DEE Framework and participate in an open discussion with the audience, addressing the questions:
- What is most exciting about the 4DEE framework and what most concerns you about it?
- How can the 4DEE framework be used to improve ecology teaching and learning in our colleges, universities and beyond?
This session is particularly timely given the 2018 meeting theme. Managing for resilience and in the face of extreme events demands human adaptive response that in turn requires learning that is dynamic, collaborative, systematic and transdisciplinary.
See more of: Special Sessions