2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)

SS 19 - The ESA’s Four-Dimensional Ecology Education Framework (4DEE): Opportunities and Challenges. A panel of ESA Presidents

Monday, August 6, 2018: 10:15 AM-11:30 AM
348-349, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Alan Berkowitz
Carmen Cid , Bob R. Pohlad , Kenneth Klemow , George A. Middendorf , Diane Ebert-May , Rebecca C. Jordan , Luanna Prevost and Teresa Mourad
Steward Pickett , Scott Collins , Katherine L. Gross , Laura Huenneke , Richard Pouyat , Ann Bartuska and Terry Chapin
For decades, ecologists have attempted to define “ecological literacy.” In the 1990s, ESA developed a set of core ecological concepts built into the EcoEd Digital Library still in use today. The 2004 ESA Visions Committee, 2009 ESA Earth Stewardship initiative, 2012 ESA New Generation Committee and 2014 ESA Board of Professional Certification review all identified the need for 21st century ESA education standards of some sort. In response, the ESA Task Force on Fundamental Ecology Concepts, formed in 2014, with feedback from workshops and special sessions, ultimately developed a four dimensional ecology education framework (4DEE, see: http://www.esa.org/4DEE).  Included are core ecology concepts, cross-cutting themes, human dimensions, and ecology practices needed for 21st century environmental decision making or careers. The 4DEE approach recommends structuring undergraduate ecology to emphasize the four dimensions and their integration.  It also has potential ramifications for K-12 education and for professional certification.

A panel of ESA presidents will share insights and recommendations for the 4DEE Framework and participate in an open discussion with the audience, addressing the questions:

This session is particularly timely given the 2018 meeting theme.  Managing for resilience and in the face of extreme events demands human adaptive response that in turn requires learning that is dynamic, collaborative, systematic and transdisciplinary.

See more of: Special Sessions