2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)

WK 32 - Turn Your Research Figures or Educational Resource into a Peer-reviewed Product for Teaching: Submit to ESA’s EcoEd Digital Library

Tuesday, August 7, 2018: 11:30 AM-1:15 PM
333-334, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Jennifer Doherty
Kenneth Klemow , Kathleen Shea and Teresa Mourad
At this workshop ESA’s EcoEd Digital Library editors will help you turn your research images or figures or ecology education resources (6th grade to undergraduate) into peer-reviewed products for teaching. EcoEdDL is a searchable online platform where ecology educators can share the tested educational resources they have developed with the ecology education community. The library provides free access to high-quality teaching resources that have been peer-reviewed for scientific accuracy and instructional value.

Participants will bring their laptop and either a teaching resource they have used in a classroom or figures or images from their research.  Participants will be guided on developing useful metadata and descriptive information, the peer review process, and ways to continue supporting one another as educators using EcoEdDL’s interactive site tools and features. Emphasis will be placed on developing quality digital library resources, and on EcoEdDL’s role in fostering a community of ecology educators and researchers. Participants will then access the EcoEdDL site to submit one of their own teaching resources for review and publication in the digital library, with guidance from the EcoEdDL editors.

Registration Fee: $0

See more of: Workshops