2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)

SYMP 17 - Averting the Tragedy of the Commons: Critical Feedbacks across Scales from Microbes to Humans

Wednesday, August 8, 2018: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
River Bend 1, New Orleans Downtown Marriott at the Convention Center
Senay Yitbarek
Nyeema Harris and Jasmine M. Crumsey
Jeramie Strickland
The future of humanity is intertwined with the sustainable use of common natural pool resources. Resource misuse such as overfishing, soil erosion, and deforestation poses significant ecological and economic challenges. Individuals acting out of self-interest over-exploit resources, by maximizing common resource use. In the long-run, self-fish behavior by individuals results in a negative feedback loop that is more costly than cooperation. This over-use of resources by selfish individuals comes at the expense of collective use and is known as the tragedy of the commons. Examples of such common resources include water supplies, agricultural land-use, antibiotics, and vaccine use. Averting the tragedy of the commons requires changing the feedback loop between the environment and incentives. Yet, synthesis of resource use across multiple scales in changing environments is still lacking. The goal of our symposium is to build a common framework across diverse ecosystems that study resource use under changing environments, including natural and human disturbances. We seek to highlight novel methodologies that generate early-warning systems in ecosystems that slow down the loss of necessary ecosystem services. A conceptual and analytical framework for common resource use is necessary to determine early indicators of ecosystem change across spatial and temporal scales. These quantitative indicators will enable us to manage critical ecosystem services which could mitigate extreme events by creating resilient ecosystems. This symposium will address a broad range of topics across a wide range of ecosystems including wildlife populations in Africa, soil degradation and climate change effects in California ecosystems, and microbial interactions in plant and animal hosts. Ultimately, this symposium contributes to the growing scholarship on coupled natural and human ecosystems, which integrates ecosystem, community, and population ecology.
8:00 AM
African lions and people: Mitigating conflict over shared resources
Nyeema C. Harris, Applied Wildlife Ecology (AWE) Lab, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan
8:30 AM
"Farming While Black": The recovery of black agrarian pedagogies
Shakara Tyler, Michigan State University
9:00 AM
15N, 18O, and 34S isotope values of California vole (Microtus californicus) hair relate to historical drought and land use patterns in California, USA
Jasmine M. Crumsey, Cornell University; Jeremy B. Searle, Cornell University; Jed P. Sparks, Cornell University
9:30 AM
9:40 AM
How social capital supports livelihoods and wellbeing in changing climates
Karen Bailey, University of Florida; Robert A. McCleery, University of Florida; Grenville Barnes, University of Florida
10:10 AM
Urbanization disrupts latitude-size rule in 17-year cicadas
DeAnna Beasley, The University of Tennessee Chattanooga
10:40 AM
Spatial competition of bacteriophages across different environments
Senay Yitbarek, University of California, Berkeley; Norma Morella, University of California, Berkeley; Shangyang C. Yang, University of California, Berkeley; Mike Boots, University of California, Berkeley; Britt Koskella, University of California, Berkeley
11:10 AM
See more of: Symposia