2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)

PS 55-107 - Golden monitor lizard: Status, distribution and threats (a case from Nepal)

Friday, August 10, 2018
ESA Exhibit Hall, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Ajay Karki, Forest, Ministry of Forests and Environment, Manang DFO, Nepal
Ajay Karki, Ministry of Forests and Environment


Varanus flavescens (Golden Monitor Lizard) is the least studied varanid lizard of Nepal, and scientific information about this species is very limited. This study explored the status, abundance and existing threats of V. flavescens around the Jagdishpur Reservoir of Nepal through field work (Transect Survey) and questionnaire surveys. A population estimate survey was conducted along transect lines and a distribution map was prepared based on both direct observations of the species and indirect evidence of its presence.


The study found that grass cover within swampy areas and along stream beds are the preferred habitats of this species. The major cause of population decline for V. flavescens in the study area is illegal hunting. Further conservation measures and intensive study of the species is highly recommended.