2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)

COS 112-7 - Soil phosphatase activity in nitrogen-fixing vs. non-fixing trees under several nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization treatments

Thursday, August 9, 2018: 3:40 PM
338, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center


Emily A. Jager, Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology, Columbia University and Duncan Menge, Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology, Columbia University, New York, NY
Emily A. Jager, Columbia University; Duncan Menge, Columbia University


Nitrogen (N) limitation is pervasive across global forest types and is a major constraint on net primary production, carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling rates. Because they have access to the atmospheric N pool, symbiotic N-fixing trees should have a competitive advantage in nitrogen limited environments. Some work has hypothesized that symbiotic N fixers require more P than non-fixers, and other work has hypothesized that symbiotic N fixers are better able to acquire P than non-fixers because their excess fixed N can be used to synthesize more phosphatase enzymes. Both of these hypotheses would predict that N fixers would have higher phosphatase activity than non-fixers. Previous studies exploring the relationship between P and N fixation have shown mixed results, and have focused mostly on tropical forests. To investigate this relationship in temperate forests, we measured phosphatase enzyme activity in the soil under N-fixing trees (Robinia pseudoacacia) and non-fixing trees (Betula nigra) across four fertilizer treatments: control (trace quantities of isotopically-labeled nitrogen), medium N (100 kg N/ha/yr), high N (150 kg N/ha/yr), and high N + high P (150 kg P/ha/yr), in a field site in Black Rock Forest, NY. We hypothesized that N fixers would produce more extracellular phosphatase enzymes than non-fixers to avoid P limitation when they have sufficient resources to sustain N fixation.


At our temperate forest site in NY, we found no significant difference in phosphatase enzyme activity between N-fixing and non-fixing tree species in any of our fertilization treatments. Phosphatase activity was 13.07 (umol/g soil/hr) vs. 16.11 (umol/g soil/hr) for N fixers and non-fixers in our control treatment, 20.47 vs. 18.76 in medium N, 12. vs. 15.53 in our high-N treatment, and 15.34 vs. 18.0 in our high N+ high P treatment. Phosphatase activity was not significantly different for trees in our P addition treatment (N+P) than plants growing in ambient P conditions (all other treatments). The lack of differences seen here could indicate a lack of P limitation, as might be expected at this site. Alternatively, our results could indicate that Robinia pseudoacacia does not rely on phosphatase production to overcome P limitation.