2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)

COS 117-1 - Multiples lines of evidence in flow-ecology relationships: Ecological limits of hydrologic alteration in the Minnesota river watershed

Thursday, August 9, 2018: 1:30 PM
253, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
S. Kyle McKay, Environmental Laboratory, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York, NY, Charles Theiling, Environmental Laboratory, US Army Corps of Engineers and Michael Dougherty, Rock Island District, US Army Corps of Engineers

The ability to predictively link river levels to ecological effects (i.e., flow-ecology relationships) is central to understanding the consequences of alternative freshwater management strategies and transparently making trade-offs. While myriad techniques for developing flow-ecology relationships exist, water managers are often less concerned about the model type, but instead its capacity to reliably predict ecological responses. Here, we develop flow-ecology relationships with three contrasting model development philosophies and examine consistency of model outcomes as the models are applied to six future land use scenarios in the Minnesota River Basin. All three models are developed from two data sources distributed across the basin: (1) 18 years of modeled streamflow hydrology at 1,016 locations and (2) long-term fish richness monitoring at 463 locations. Model-1 assumes hydrologic change alone is indicative of ecological response, and the relative change in seven synthetic streamflow statistics is applied as a metric of ecological impact. Model-2 develops flow-ecology relationships from a traditional, deductive modeling approach using dimensional analysis and linear regression, which assumes model adoption will increase if the tool is transparent and based on ecological and hydrological principles. Model-3 applies an inductive, machine-learning model (boosted regression trees) to develop flow-ecology relationships, which assumes that lost transparency in modeling is an acceptable trade-off for increased predictive power. All three models were applied to six “alternative futures” (i.e., land use scenarios) in the Minnesota River Watershed.


Hydrologic model outcomes alone (Model-1) show large quantitative responses to land use change and provided a useful intermediate outcome for communicating how land use change alters different dimensions of streamflow hydrology. Although simple in structure, Model-2 estimated fish richness with reasonable predictive accuracy (R2 = 0.38), and dimensional analysis provided a powerful mechanism for scaling predictions across a large range of spatial scales (drainage area of sampling sites ranged from 6 to 43,900 km2). Although opaque in the ability to visualize outcomes, the machine learning method (Model-3) estimated fish richness with high predictive accuracy (R2 = 0.70), which may be an acceptable trade-off to water managers. When applied to six land use scenarios, all three models predict qualitatively similar outcomes (e.g., the scenario of increased agricultural development has greater ecological impacts than scenarios emphasizing biodiversity or water quality outcomes). Multiple lines of evidence are providing a useful mechanism for communicating the reliability and consistency of hydrological and ecological predictions with state and local officials.