Impacts of intensive row-crop agriculture in lakes that receive runoff have been well-documented. Light limitation and eutrophication resulting from elevated suspended sediment loads and associated nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) directly affect lake productivity. Agricultural conservation practices have demonstrated long-term improvements in lake water quality. However, ecosystem resilience following extreme weather events in these improved systems has not been well documented. In March 2016, a series of storm events occurred in North Mississippi producing over 203 mm of rainfall during a 6-day period and causing major flooding in this highly cultivated region. A paired watershed approach was used to assess lake resilience during this extreme event. Beasley Lake watershed comprising 624 ha has about 39% of the watershed in varying conservation practices with 106.6 ha (17%) in structural conservation practices (e.g., vegetated buffers, constructed wetlands) with an additional 135.4 ha (22%) in reduced tillage. In contrast, Roundaway Lake comprising 1698 ha has only 46 ha (about 2.7%) in structural practices similar to Beasley Lake. Lake total suspended sediment (TSS) concentration, water transparency (as Secchi depth), total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), and water column chlorophyll a concentration was measured in both lakes before and after flooding.
Water transparency was clearest in the watershed with the most conservation practices (Beasley Lake) when TSS concentrations were lowest before (p = 0.008) and after (p = 0.002) flooding. Beasley TSS peaked at 202 mg/L during flooding whereas Roundaway often had higher TSS before (339-1012 mg/L) and after flooding (144-430 mg/L). Pre-flood TP concentrations were lowest (p = 0.012) in Beasley Lake (85-230 μg/L) relative to Roundaway (263-394 μg/L). However post-flood spring TP was comparable (p = 0.094) between Beasley Lake (104-358 μg/L) and Roundaway (136-472 μg/L) while post-flood summer TP was significantly lower (p = 0.028) in Beasley (49-132 μg/L) than Roundaway (46-252 μg/L). TN concentrations were unaffected by flooding in both watersheds. However, Beasley Lake had significantly lower TN (921-2052 μg/L) than Roundaway (1031-5570 μg/L) (p = 0.011). Coinciding with water transparency, pre-flood algal biomass (as chlorophyll a) was greater in Beasley (14-35 μg/L) than in Roundaway (8-10 μg/L) (p = 0.009) and recovered earlier after flooding in Beasley Lake (10 weeks post-flood) than in Roundaway (14-16 weeks post-flood). Watersheds with more conservation practices provide greater resilience after extreme flooding events by mitigating light limitation and eutrophication while more quickly recovering to pre-flood conditions.