2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)

COS 55-7 - The ability to fix nitrogen affects the growth, resource allocation, and competitive success of a tropical nitrogen-fixing tree

Wednesday, August 8, 2018: 10:10 AM
354, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Benton Taylor, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA and Duncan Menge, Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology, Columbia University, New York, NY

Symbiotic nitrogen (N) fixers are unique among plants in their dual ability to take up N from the soil and access the vast atmospheric N pool through fixation. N fixation may provide a competitive advantage to these N fixers when soil N scarcity limits plant growth. However, the high energetic costs of N fixation could also create a competitive disadvantage for N fixers in N-rich ecosystems. Understanding the net effects of N fixation on the growth and competitive success of N fixers in different environmental conditions is critical to our theoretical predictions of ecosystem N dynamics. However, empirical data on how N fixation affects the growth and competitive success of N fixers are exceedingly rare. We grew active N-fixing and inactive N-fixing (N-fixing plant species without their symbiotic bacteria) tree seedlings in isolation and in direct competition with a common non-fixing tree species under gradients of light and soil N availability to assess how the ability to fix N and N fixation itself affects growth, competitive success, biomass allocation, and tissue chemistry.


The ability to fix N did not convey a biomass advantage to active N fixers in any environmental treatment, even when N demonstrably limited growth. However, active N fixers were more resistant to competition effects on plant height than inactive N fixers in N-limited conditions. Active N fixers in N-limited conditions fixed less N in the presence of a competitor, likely increasing their competitive influence on neighbors when soil N is scarce. Moreover, N fixation did not represent a net structural cost to the plant, even in cases where N fixation more than exceeded plant N demand. These results suggest that the ability to fix N may be a key competitive strategy to avoiding competition when soil N is limiting in tropical forests, and that luxury N fixation may not represent a large cost to tropical N fixers under high-light conditions. Our results also suggest that allocation to the acquisition of other resources such as light or phosphorus might be important regulators of the competitive success of tropical N fixers. Further studies on the growth and competitive effects of the ability to fix N are needed to help refine our understanding of N fixers in community dynamics and ecosystem theory.