2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)

PS 17-72 - Stable isotope patterns in food webs of Minnesota lakes reflect productivity gradients

Tuesday, August 7, 2018
ESA Exhibit Hall, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Kyle D. Zimmer1, Ryan C. Grow1, Angela Tipp1, Peter Jacobson2, Brian R. Herwig3 and David F. Staples4, (1)Biology, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN, (2)Fisheries Research, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Park Rapids, MN, (3)Fisheries Research, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Bemidji, MN, (4)Minnesota Deptartment of Natural Resources, Forest Lake, MN

Stable isotopes 13C and 15N are often used in food-web studies of lakes to assess energy sources and trophic position, respectively. However, δ13C and δ15N can also be influenced by biogeochemical processes in lakes, but these processes are poorly understood. We sampled δ13C and δ15N in mussels, cisco (Coregonus artedi), and in seston and zooplankton in both the epilimnion and hypolimnion in 22 Minnesota (USA) lakes. The lakes were dispersed across a 70,000 km2 area of Minnesota that captured a large gradient in lake productivity with total phosphorus values ranging from 2 to 51 μg L-1. We also measured temperature-oxygen profiles, total phosphorus, and photosynthetic compensation depth in each lake to assess factors influencing isotope patterns. All isotope samples were baseline corrected using mussels in each lake (sample - mussel) to control for landscape-level differences in isotope values


Results showed δ13C in cisco was positively related to hypolimnetic zooplankton δ13C, and zooplankton δ13C was positively related to hypolimnetic seston δ13C. Hypolimnetic seston δ13C, in turn, was negatively related to the ratio of compensation depth: mixed layer depth, such that seston was most depleted in lakes where light penetrated deepest into the hypolimnion. This was likely due to hypolimnetic phytoplankton using respired CO2 depleted in δ13C in clear-water lakes. Results also showed a positive relationship between cisco δ15N and hypolimnetic zooplankton δ15N, and that hypolimnetic zooplankton δ15N were positively related to hypolimnetic seston δ15N. Hypolimnetic seston δ15N, in turn, showed a negative relationship with total phosphorus, likely due to differences in microbial degradation of seston and denitrification rates between low and high phosphorus lakes. Overall our results indicate differences in the abiotic environment and microbial processes can generate patterns in isotopic differences between epilimnetic organisms (mussels) and hypolimnetic organisms that change along lake productivity gradients. These patterns should be accounted for in isotope studies of whole-lake food webs.