The structure of ecological interactions is commonly understood through analyses of interaction networks. However, these analyses may be sensitive to sampling biases in both the interactors (the nodes of the network) and interactions (the links between nodes), because the detectability of species and their interactions is highly heterogeneous. These issues may affect the accuracy of empirically constructed ecological networks. Yet statistical biases introduced by sampling error are difficult to quantify in the absence of full knowledge of the underlying ecological network’s structure.
We explore the properties of several types of large-scale modular networks with predetermined topologies, intended to represent a wide variety of communities that vary in size and types of ecological interactions. We then sampled these networks with different sampling designs that may be employed in field observations. The observed networks generated by each sampling process were then analyzed with respect to the number of components, size of components and other network metrics.
We show that the sampling effort needed to estimate underlying network properties accurately depends both on the sampling design and on the underlying network topology. In particular, networks with random or scale-free modules require more complete sampling to reveal their structure, compared to networks whose modules are nested or bipartite. Overall, the modules with nested structure were the easiest to detect, regardless of sampling design.
Sampling according to species degree (number of interactions) was consistently found to be the most accurate strategy to estimate network structure. Conversely, sampling according to module (representing different interaction types or taxa) results in a rather complete view of certain modules, but fails to provide a complete picture of the underlying network. We recommend that these findings are incorporated into the design and implementation of projects aiming to characterize large networks of species interactions in the field to reduce sampling biases. The software scripts NetGen and NetSampler, developed to construct and sample networks, respectively, are provided for use in further explorations of network structure and comparisons to real interaction networks.