This research identifies lessons learned from natural hazard experiences to help communities plan for and adapt to climate change. A series of international case studies are used to examine diverse experiences, from severe storms to sea-level related hazards, droughts, heat waves, wildfires, floods, earthquakes and tsunami, in North America, Europe, Australasia, Asia, Africa, and Small Island Developing nations.
The results are intended to provide climate change policy-makers, scholars, students, and practitioners with a rigorous understanding of lessons learned from natural hazards planning scholarship and experience that can help to overcome barriers and unlock opportunities for building communities that are sustainable and resilient to climate change.
Key questions addressed include: What are the root causes of increasing climate change risk? What are the key considerations for reducing climate change impacts? What barriers do communities face in their efforts to adapt to climate change? What role should key actors, including government at different levels, the private sector, civil society and the research community, play in building adaptive capacity? What can be done to recover from the adverse impacts of natural hazards, disasters and climate change?
The findings, which draw from case study analysis, are grouped according to four imperatives: (i) develop collaborative governance networks; (ii) build adaptive capabilities; (iii) invest in pre-event planning; and (iv) the moral imperative to undertake adaptive actions that advance resilience and sustainability.
The findings provide additional insights, including:
- Lessons learned from natural hazards planning scholarship and experience applied to integrating natural hazards risk management and climate change adaptation.
- Lessons learned from real-world natural hazard and disaster experiences around the world with a focus on insights from disaster risk reduction (hazard mitigation) and disaster recovery.
- The benefits of planning for natural hazards and climate change adaptation.
- The role of governance in building resilience, sustainability and adapting to climate change.