Vernal pools also known as seasonal forest pools, geographically isolated wetlands, or ephemeral ponds, can be fed by groundwater or rainwater and have periods where they often contain no water at all. Because of the periodic nature of their hydrology they do not contain predatory fish. This allows for a protected breeding habitat for many specialized and often rare species and are a source of food for larger wildlife. These ecosystems play a unique role in the landscape and these pools, the dispersal habitat that connects them, and adjacent upland habitat, must be protected so these small pools can contribute to the larger ecosystems they inhabit.
However, there are many pressures on vernal pools. Regulatory protection of these sensitive and unique ecosystems is often inadequate because of their geographic isolation. They often occur on private land and development of the pools themselves, conversion of adjacent habitat, and pest control applications are ongoing and growing threats. Vernal pools also tend to be small, and because of their seasonal hydrology, are sometimes not even identified until it is too late. Further, because of their size, dependence on surrounding hydrology and weather events, they are particularly sensitive to the impacts of climate change.
Solutions to protect wetlands, and in particular isolated wetlands like vernal pools which are often overlooked, will take action from diverse partnerships, resource managers, scientists, government agencies, and industries, and the process must include citizen and landowner engagement. Wild Virginia is excited to be working with the Wetland Forests Initiative to bring together all the stakeholders needed to conserve, restore, and improve Southern wetland forests. The iterative process adopted by the Wetland Forests Initiative for managing challenges and different points of view is an excellent vehicle for generating the necessary momentum to protect vernal pool wetlands.