Monday, August 6, 2018: 3:40 PM
352, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Jessica J. Mitchell1, Darek G. Olsen1, Shane M. Sosko1, Michael D. Madritch2, David T. Barnett3, Nancy F. Glenn4 and Laurel J. Anderson5, (1)Geography and Planning, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC, (2)Department of Biology, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC, (3)National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), Battelle, Boulder, CO, (4)Geosciences, Boise State University, Boise, ID, (5)Department of Botany and Microbiology, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH
Background/Question/Methods Plant species diversity can be measured on the ground using calculations such as total number of species/area, or number of species weighted by the portion of area covered/species. Global biodiversity trends can be collected from satellites but finer scale processes cannot be studied without an expanded network of ground and airborne observations. A new project overview is provided that combines measurements collected simultaneously from the ground and the National Ecological Observatory Network’s Aerial Observation Platform to 1) test the direct mapping of biodiversity variables, 2) predict local diversity hotspots, and 3) understand macroscale diversity patterns across eight network sites in the eastern US. We also report results from the first project objective, which begins with calculating diversity variables from field data and relating these variables to airborne imaging spectroscopy and three dimensional laser scanning observations. Ultimately, an emerging concept in imaging spectroscopy will be tested, where spatial patterns of reflectance correlate with species diversity (the spectral variation hypothesis).
Visualizing ground reference data in sample plots along with coincident optical and vertical vegetation imagery compliments alpha and beta diversity calculations obtained from field data. Diversity distributions are calculated both within and among sites and presented in the context of sensor detection. Next steps include preprocessing airborne flightlines to minimize influences on variability calculations, deriving optimal airborne variables, and testing the spectral variability hypothesis. A field data processing workflow is developed that may help generate value added diversity map products. The products could be extended to additional NEON sites, and be useful to larger remote sensing and macrosystems biology communities. Finally, we present outcomes from a workshop coordinated with Ecological Research as Education Network (EREN) faculty, including diversity calculation methods and a lab tutorial and assessment tool prepared for classroom integration.