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PS 74
- Latebreaking: Education
Friday, August 11, 2017: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall, Oregon Convention Center
PS 74-126
Ecology is child’s play: Experiments on hummingbird color preferences and learning abilities
Javier Monzon
Pepperdine University
Sofia M. Monzón
Webster Elementary School
PS 74-127
Exploring interactive approaches to teaching mathematical modelling in ecology: Adventures in the Wolfram Cloud
Lewis J Bartlett
University of Exeter, UC Berkeley
Mike Boots
UC Berkeley
PS 74-128
How class workshop can help to protect a biodiversity hotspot with TiME (This is My Earth)
Uri Shanas
University of Haifa
Nurit Hochberg
Oranim College
Hen Pardovitch
University of Haifa
Alon Tal
Tel Aviv University
PS 74-129
Michigan ZoomIN: From field to undergraduates to NGSS aligned lessons for K-12 classrooms
Samantha K. Lichtenwald
University of Michigan
Tiffany S. Carey
University of Michigan
Nyeema Harris
University of Michigan
PS 74-130
Potential impacts of anxiety on student persistence and success
Margaurete Romero
University of Tennessee Knoxville
Benjamin England
University of Tennessee
Elisabeth E. Schussler
University of Tennessee - Knoxville
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