2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6 -- 11)

COS 30 - Climate Change: Plants II

Tuesday, August 8, 2017: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
B118-119, Oregon Convention Center
8:00 AM
Belowground productivity responses to extreme drought are influenced by legacies of past precipitation regimes
Ingrid Slette, Colorado State University; John Blair, Kansas State University; David L. Hoover, USDA-ARS; Melinda Smith, Colorado State University; Alan Knapp, Colorado State University
8:20 AM
Physiological responses of white ash trees to one of the driest and warmest years in U.S. history
Jacob Carter, Union of Concernced Scientists; Joy K. Ward, University of Kansas
8:40 AM
How do functional and physiological traits organize communities and influence biogeographic climate distributions? Tests across California communities
Camila Dias Barros Medeiros, University of California, Los Angeles, CNPq; Grace P. John, University of Texas, Austin; Alexandria Pivovaroff, UCLA; Christian Henry, University of California Los Angeles; Lawren Sack, UCLA
9:00 AM
Climate drivers of population dynamics and niche patterns in the forests of the Rocky Mountains
Arne Buechling, Colorado State University; Patrick H. Martin, Colorado State University; Charles D. Canham, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
Response to salinity in invasive cordgrass hybrids and their parental species (Spartina) in a scenario of global warming and sea level rise
Jesus M. Castillo, University of Seville; Blanca Gallego-Tevar, University of Seville; Brenda Grewell, Dept. of Plant Sciences MS-4, University of California Davis
10:10 AM
Warming experiment tests for the effect of soil-borne pathogens on maintaining tree species diversity
Yu Liu, Sun Yat-sen University; Fangliang He, East China Normal University
10:30 AM
Effects of nutrient enrichment on salt marsh production: A field reciprocal transplant experiment with Spartina alterniflora
Torrance Hanley, Northeastern University; Jennifer L. Bowen, Northeastern University; Patrick J. Kearns, Michigan State University; A. Randall Hughes, Northeastern University
10:50 AM
Long term persistence of aspen in snowpack-dependent ecosystems
Alec M. Kretchun, Portland State University; Douglas Shinneman, U.S. Geological Survey; Robert M. Scheller, Portland State University; Ben Soderquist, University of Idaho; Timothy E. Link, University of Idaho; Alan L. Flint, USGS California Water Science Center
11:10 AM Cancelled
COS 30-10
Herbivory among the mosses: Does species specific effects matter? (widthdrawn)
Timea Deakova, Portland State University; Sarah M. Eppley, Portland State University; Todd N. Rosenstiel, Portland State University
See more of: Contributed Talks