2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6 -- 11)

COS 158 - Ecosystem Stability And Resilience II

Thursday, August 10, 2017: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
E145, Oregon Convention Center
1:30 PM
Energy and water limits drive dominant tree population differentiation
Shannon L.J. Bayliss, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Joseph K. Bailey, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
2:10 PM
Temporal stability of woody biomass production enhanced with increasing diversity in a subtropical Taiwan forest
Julia I. Chapman, University of Dayton; Ryan W. McEwan, University of Dayton; Jyh-Min Chiang, Tunghai University
2:30 PM
Structure, biomass, leaf area, and the role of giant trees in Sequoiadendron giganteum forests
Robert Van Pelt, Humboldt State University; Stephen C. Sillett, Humboldt State University; James A. Freund, University of Washington; Sean M.A. Jeronimo, University of Washington
2:50 PM
Monitoring vegetation dynamics: You get what you sample for
Claire E. Wainwright, University of Washington; Jonathan Bakker, University of Washington
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
Trophic interactions influence resilience of aquatic ecosystems to perturbations
Tamara K. Harms, University of Alaska; James Hood, The Ohio State University; Mark D. Scheuerell, University of Washington; Thomas R. Barnum, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center; Irena F. Creed, Western University; Shawn Devlin, University of Montana; Michelle A. Evans-White, University of Arkansas; Claire Ruffing, University of Alaska; Albert RuhĂ­, National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC); Adrianne Smits, University of Washington; Tanner Williamson, Miami University; Jeremy B. Jones, University of Alaska Fairbanks
3:40 PM
Optimizing fuels treatment in a frequent fire adapted ecosystem in the Sierra Nevada increases landscape carbon stability in future climates
Daniel J. Krofcheck, University of New Mexico; E. Louise Loudermilk, USDA Forest Service; Robert M. Scheller, Portland State University; Matthew Hurteau, University of New Mexico
4:00 PM
Forest ecosystem stability in a millennium of climate change in terrestrial ecosystem models
Christine R Rollinson, The Morton Arboretum; Michael C Dietze, Boston University
4:40 PM
Forest resiliency: What is at risk in terms of forest water supplies in the Anthropocene?
Irena F. Creed, Western University; Mark D. Scheuerell, University of Washington
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