2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6 -- 11)

COS 185 - Forests: Tropical

Friday, August 11, 2017: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
E146, Oregon Convention Center
8:00 AM
Dynamics of root and mycorrhizal fungi in leaf cutter ant nests in a lowland tropical forest
Amanda Swanson, University of California, Riverside; Michael F. Allen, University of California; Diego Dierick, Florida International University
8:20 AM
Inferring critical points of ecosystem transitions (forest:savanna) from spatial data
Krishnapriya Tamma, Indian Institute of Science; Sabiha Majumder, Indian Institute of Science; Sriram Ramaswamy, Indian Institute of Science; Vishwesha Guttal, Indian Institute of Science
8:40 AM
How does variation in rainfall or a drier climate affect aboveground biomass of a seasonally dry tropical forest in Panama?
Thomas L Powell, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Lara M Kueppers, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Charles D Koven, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab; Boris Faybishenko, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Daniel J Johnson, Los Alamos National Lab; Nathan G. McDowell, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Jeffrey Q. Chambers, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California Berkeley
9:00 AM Cancelled
COS 185-4
Combined effects of seed and soil quality drive seedling performance of a tropical tree in a fragmented forest (widthdrawn)
Jenny Zambrano, SESYNC; Henry F. Howe, University of Illinois-Chicago; Miquel Gonzalez-Meler, University of Ilinois- Chicago
9:20 AM
Integrating fire-related PFTs into predictions of large-scale forest responses to fire in Amazonia
Carla Staver, Yale University; Paulo M. Brando, Woods Hole Research Center
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
Mycorrhizal association and soil fertility influence plant-soil feedback in a Dipterocarp rainforest
R. Max Segnitz, Stanford University; Sabrina E. Russo, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Kabir G. Peay, Stanford University
10:10 AM
Forest habitat connectivity in the Western Nghe An Man and Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam
Peter H. Singleton, USDA Forest Service; Dung Hyunh, Vietnam Forests and Deltas Program; Lan Huong, Vietnam Forests and Deltas Program; Chung Thanh Nguyen, Nghe An Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
10:30 AM
The moss that ate Kohala: Understory plant diversity loss along a Sphagnum palustre gradient on the Big Island, Hawai‘i
A. Lisa Schomaker, University of Wisconsin; Sara Hotchkiss, University of Wisconsin
10:50 AM
Life history strategies of tropical trees are displaced within phylogenetic clades
Jessica F. Needham, Smithsonian Institution; Sean M McMahon, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
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