2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6 -- 11)

COS 22 - Restoration Ecology I

Monday, August 7, 2017: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
B115, Oregon Convention Center
1:30 PM
Error and uncertainty in mapping vegetation zonation in the Prairie Pothole Region of Alberta, Canada
Matthew T Bolding, University of Waterloo; Rebecca Rooney, University of Waterloo; Derek Robinson, University of Waterloo
1:50 PM
What controls native plant regeneration in urban forest restoration?
Kiri Joy Wallace, University of Waikato; Daniel C. Laughlin, University of Wyoming; Bruce D. Clarkson, University of Waikato
2:10 PM
Pine clearcuts as potential avenues for American chestnut reintroduction and diversity restoration
Keith E. Gilland, University of Wisconsin-Stout; Carolyn H. Keiffer, Miami University
2:30 PM
Short-term responses of fish community structure following restoration of a fourth-order stream
Jennifer M. Clark, Hiram College; Justin J. Montemarano, Georgia Southern University - Armstrong Campus
2:50 PM
Lessons in establishing plant communities on constructed fens for oil sands mine reclamation
Andrea Borkenhagen, Colorado State University; David J. Cooper, Colorado State University; Dale H. Vitt, Southern Illinois University; Melissa House, Southern Illinois University
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
Functional composition and invasion resistance in prairie plant communities: Implications for restoration
Jacob Zeldin, Chicago Botanic Garden & Northwestern University; Andrea T. Kramer, Chicago Botanic Garden; Evelyn W. Williams, Chicago Botanic Garden
3:40 PM
Long-term tree regeneration responses following thinning and prescribed burning in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest California, USA
Harold Zald, Humboldt State University; Andrew N. Gray, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; Malcolm P. North, USDA Forest Service; Matthew Hurteau, University of New Mexico
4:00 PM
Milkweed matters: Survival and maturation of monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) larvae on nine Asclepias species
Victoria Pocius, Iowa State University; Diane M. Debinski, Iowa State University; Richard Hellmich, USDA; Keith Bidne, Iowa State University; John Pleasants, Iowa State University; Sue Blodgett, Iowa State University; Steven Bradbury, Iowa State University; Robert Hartzler, Iowa State University
4:20 PM
Resource acquisition strategies of tropical dry forest tree species predict seedling performance in a large-scale restoration experiment
Leland K. Werden, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities; Jennifer S. Powers, University of Minnesota
4:40 PM
Habitat availability, prey biomass, and resource utilization for juvenile salmon in restoring estuarine habitat: An integrated analysis
Melanie J. Davis, University of Washington; Isa Woo, U. S. Geological Survey; Christopher Ellings, Nisqually Indian Tribe; Sayre Hodgson, Nisqually Indian Tribe; Kimberly Larsen, USGS Western Fisheries Research Center; Susan De La Cruz, U. S. Geological Survey
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