2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6 -- 11)

PS 25 - Estuarine

Tuesday, August 8, 2017: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall, Oregon Convention Center
“Spatial relationships for vegetation and soils in restored and remnant salt marshes in the Salmon River Estuary, Oregon”
Megan Chellew, Oregon State University; Dr. Mary V. Santelmann, Oregon State University; Sally Cai, Brown University
Unique seasonal variation of prokaryotic assemblages of coastal sea of Yellow Sea, South Korea
Jong-Geol Kim, Chungbuk National University; Joo-Han Gwak, Chungbuk National University; Sanghoon Kang, Baylor University; Sung-Keun Rhee, Chungbuk National University
PS 25-109
Effects of salinity regimes on coastal breeding amphibians in Oregon (widthdrawn)
Amanda Goddard, Oregon State University; Paul Adamus, Oregon State University
A race for survival; will salt marshes in Jasper and Beaufort County, South Carolina drown or keep pace with rising sea level?
Gwen J Miller, University of South Carolina; James T Morris, University of South Carolina
Population trends of four ray species along the Georgia coast from 2003-2015
Margaret C. Wheat, College of Coastal Georgia; David J. Stasek, College of Coastal Georgia; Patrick J. Geer, Georgia Department of Natural Resources; Lindsey Aubart, Department of Natural Resources
Fish community signals long-term warming in a southern New England estuary
Lucy S. Vlietstra, U.S. Coast Guard Academy; Karina L. Mrakovcich, U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Using vegetation and elevation surveys to assess the accuracy of coastal LIDAR in salt marshes
Mary Santelmann, Oregon State University - Corvallis, OR; Brett Boisjolie, Oregon State University - Corvallis, OR
Factors affecting the distribution of an invasive crab and its impacts on cordgrass restoration
Julie A. Gonzalez, Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies, San Francisco State University; Andrew L. Chang, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center; Gregory M. Ruiz, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center; Katharyn E. Boyer, San Francisco State University
Testing the waters: Investigating effects of wastewater contaminants on a commercially harvested bivalve
Amy Ehrhart, Portland State University; Elise F. Granek, Portland State University
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