2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6 -- 11)

PS 33 - Climate Change: Biogeochem Cycles

Wednesday, August 9, 2017: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall, Oregon Convention Center
Temporal dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus coupling in China’s agricultural system
Xin Liu, Nanjing University, Arizona State University; James J. Elser, Arizona State University; Zengwei Yuan, Nanjing University
Moss weathering enhances geochemical processing
Jessica R. Shamek, Portland State University; Trevor Williams, Portland State University; Todd N. Rosenstiel, Portland State University; Sarah M. Eppley, Portland State University
Winter soil respiration varies across mountain to urban transitions
Kerri A. Russell, Brigham Young University; Zachary T. Aanderud, Brigham Young University; Dylan Dastrup, Brigham Young Univeristy
Earthworm-mediated nitrogen mineralization in inland Pacific Northwest agroecosystems
Shane Wesley Stoner, University of Idaho; Jodi Johnson-Maynard, University of Idaho; Dave Huggins, USDA; Ian Leslie, University of Idaho
Carbon accumulation and storage across interconnected lake-peat ecosystems: A case study from Fallison Bog in Northern Wisconsin
Robert K. Booth, Lehigh University; Avni Malhotra, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Sara Hotchkiss, University of Wisconsin
Differential reproductive responses to CO2, N, and species diversity treatments: A quantitative analysis of 16 grassland species
Chelsea M Hazlett, University of Florida; Kimberly J. La Pierre, UC Berkeley; Ellen Simms, University of California Berkeley; Peter B. Reich, University of Minnesota
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