2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6 -- 11)

IGN 20 - Linking Ocean Food Systems & Ecology: A Call to Explore the Ecological Merits of Sustainable Ocean Farming in a Changing Ocean

Thursday, August 10, 2017: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
C123, Oregon Convention Center
Gretchen Grebe
Carrie J. Byron and Adam St. Gelais
Gretchen Grebe
Global demand for seafood products will continue to expand in the face of human population growth. If global fisheries are to be sustainable and well-managed, wild fisheries will be unable to fill global demand for ocean foods. Aquaculture (i.e. breeding, growing and harvesting of plants or animals in aquatic environments) is recognized as one of the primary means of maintaining global seafood supply. This practice is expected to become increasingly prevalent in coastal and offshore ocean waters, however, little research has been done to explore the interaction between coupled aquaculture-marine ecosystems within U.S. waters - especially with regards to lower trophic level species. There is a great need to inspire and develop additional research in this area. In this session, experts of diverse backgrounds will share their unique and creative methods for studying the ecology of ocean food systems. Speakers will highlight areas ripe for additional research while sharing exciting preliminary results. Session organizers will facilitate discussion of promising advances in ocean food systems research while further dissecting logistical and theoretical challenges limiting ecological understanding in this area.
Food webs supporting ocean foods
Carrie J. Byron, University of New England
Sourcing and evaluating detritus as a supplemental diet for bivalve aquaculture using stable isotopes and fatty acid biomarkers
Adrianus Both, University of Maine; Damian C. Brady, University of Maine; Carrie J. Byron, University of New England; Barry A. Costa-Pierce, University of New England; Larry M. Mayer, University of Maine; Christopher C. Parrish, Memorial University
Taking a participatory systems-approach to understanding the ecology of ocean farming
Adam St. Gelais, University of New England; Barry A. Costa-Pierce, University of New England
Linking ecology and the economy with models and scenarios to estimate shellfish food production potential
Eric J. Chapman, University of New England; Carrie J. Byron, University of New England; Di Jin, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Tracey M. Dalton, University of Rhode Island
Mental models in mariculture: The right tools for bridging gaps, busting silos, and bringing stakeholders together
P. Sean McDonald, University of Washington; Jonathan C. P. Reum, University of Washington; Glenn R VanBlaricom, University of Washington, US Geological Survey
The Edible Campus Initiative
Jeri Fox, University of New England
See more of: Ignite-style