2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6 -- 11)

FT 12 - A Tour of the City of Portland's Green Infrastructure

Wednesday, August 9, 2017: 8:00 AM-12:30 PM
M.L. King Jr. Lobby, Oregon Convention Center
Trip Leader:
Vivek Shandas
Daniele Spirandelli
The City of Portland has a long history with green space planning, and this field trip offers a timely opportunity to better understand urban ecosystems. Through a combination of biking and walking we will explore the diversity of ways that urban green spaces are providing ecological services (and dis-services). Participants will begin with an overview about Portland’s green space planning efforts with City managers and university researchers. Then the tour will embark, by bike into the field to learn about decentralized stomwater, including bioswales, ecoroofs, and magnificent urban old groth trees that have stirred controversy in the city. The bike tour will also engage with foresters and ecologists who are advancing urban tree canopy efforts. Fefore finally returning to the City Center, City mangers and university researchers will address questions and explore opportunities for expanding urban ecological research and practice.

Registration Fee: $35

Equipment and Attire: Participants will need to wear light clothing, and comfortable walking shoes. Ambulation will be on flat and gently-sloping areas and will not be overly strenuous. Bring binoculars and cameras. Insect repellent is not needed, although water bottles, snacks, and sunscreen will be helpful. The summers in Portland are generally dry and hot with little chance of rain. A bike helmet is useful and necessary.

8:00 AM: Meet outside the Oregon Convention Center and travel by public transportation to Portland State University.
8:30 AM: Arrive at Portland State University'€™s Urban Center (506 SW Mill Street) to engage in a discussion about Portland's green space planning; Bioswales
9:30 AM: : Rent bikes from €˜Bike Town™ (bike shares) for a ride along the river esplanade – including across the new Tillicum Crossing (non-car) bridge with views of Mt.Hood, and Ross Island -- to examine decentralized stormwater systems;
10:30 AM Stop at the (in)famous SE Portland Sequoia Trees to discuss charismatic mega flora; Begin journey back to Portland State University
11:30 AM: Begin bike ride along Eastside Esplanade, across the Hawthorne Bridge; and Final Discussion at Portland State University (Urban Center 12:00 PM: Finish up trip by talking about urban green space planning and research
12:15-12:30 PM: Take public transportation back to Convention Center

See more of: Field Trips