Thursday, August 10, 2017: 11:30 AM-1:15 PM
D139, Oregon Convention Center
Jayne Belnap
Joshua J. Tewksbury
Stephanie Hampton
Jeffrey E. Herrick
Roberto Salguero-Gomez
Effective international collaboration in ecology and environmental policy is essential to address global-scale environmental changes in the 21
stcentury. There are innumerable opportunities for international collaboration, but it can be quite challenging, especially for ecologists beginning their careers. These challenges include making the right contacts, deciding whether to collaborate on individual research projects or contribute to large policy-focused initiatives like the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and Future Earth, and locating funding sources. In this workshop, several early career and senior scientists will present a diverse array of opportunities for international collaboration, describe potential career costs and benefits, and provide tips for navigating the unique challenges associated with international research. Jayne Belnap, ESA Vice President for Science, will describe her experience developing and managing multiple research teams on specific topics. Josh Tewksbury, Colorado Global Hub Director of Future Earth, will discuss Future Earth’s efforts in global sustainability science and his experience as former director of the Luc Hoffmann Institute in Switzerland. Stephanie Hampton will describe a specific example of long-term international collaboration with a Russian research team at Lake Baikal. Jeff Herrick will describe how mobile apps and cloud computing are being used to increase global access to scientific and local knowledge while crowdsourcing valuable new datasets. Rob Salguero-Gómez will describe his experience as an early career scientist working with international teams in the United Kingdom and Germany. Following 10-minute talks by each speaker, the remaining time is allocated for questions and discussion.