2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6 -- 11)

WK 18 - CANCELLED - Simple App Creation for Ecologists Using MIT App Inventor

Sunday, August 6, 2017: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
A107, Oregon Convention Center
Jere A. Boudell
Teresa Mourad and George Tang
App development in ecology is a new and exciting area for exploration and development. Mobile devices connect us to the internet, each other, and, with the many sensors available on mobile devices, to our environment. MIT App Inventor (MAI) is a simple web-based visual development platform that allows users to rapidly build Android apps for mobile devices. Instead of writing text based programs, users learn to assemble program blocks in a similar fashion to putting together puzzle pieces. In this 1-day workshop, participants will be introduced to MAI and app creation. During the morning session, participants will work through tutorials and build basic mobile apps. In the afternoon session participants will learn how MAI can be used in ecology and develop an app for use in research, education, and outreach. This workshop will provide the basic skills necessary to support participation in the Eco Hackathon app development contest that will be ongoing during the meeting.

MAI is supported by the MIT Center for Mobile Computing, is free, and is supported for Windows, Mac OS X, and GNU/Linux operating systems and many Android devices. Participants need to bring their laptop and if possible an Android mobile device such as a smart phone or tablet. Participants without Android devices can test their apps using the MAI emulator. We will have a limited supply of Android devices for use during the workshop. For more information.

Registration Fee: $25

See more of: Workshops