2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6 -- 11)

WK 13 - Teach Inquiry-Based Ecology with a Citizen Science Trail Camera Project

Sunday, August 6, 2017: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
A105, Oregon Convention Center
Bridget Conneely
Scientists in Gorongosa National Park are tracking the park’s wildlife using remote trail cameras. HHMI BioInteractive has developed an online citizen science platform for the public to aid this effort by identifying animals in thousands of trail camera images. A new education platform allows students to explore and download trail camera data to investigate their own ecological questions.  In this presentation, participants will use the platform to work through a data-driven scientific inquiry activity.

The session facilitator, with years of on-site experience in Gorongosa, will introduce current conservation efforts in the park, explore the use of trail cameras by park scientists, and demonstrate the citizen science platform. Participants will engage in an activity that involves making observations and asking scientific questions using trail camera photos. They will discuss what makes questions testable, how to generate hypotheses and predictions, and how to analyze trail camera data to answer their question.

This presentation will explore scientific inquiry practices through innovative data collection – citizen science via online crowdsourcing. The trail camera project platform is an example of public participation in scientific research (PPSR). The resources presented in this session allow educators to bring real data into the classroom, letting students experience the process of science in a meaningful way. Participants will leave with tangible resources they can use to teach the process of science in a classroom or lab setting.

*Participants must bring their own laptop computer to this session.

Registration Fee: $25

See more of: Workshops