Friday, August 11, 2017: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
D135, Oregon Convention Center
Kristin Hulvey
Kristin Hulvey
Aquatic and riparian ecosystems supply numerous ecosystem services, including (but not limited to): recycling nutrients, filtering pollutants from water, recharging groundwater, providing habitat for multitudinous species, and offering opportunities for people to enjoy recreation and scenery. Because humans depend so much on these ecosystems, human activities for millennia have tended to be concentrated near or within them. An unintended consequence of such close proximity between human developments and aquatic systems is that those systems are vulnerable to degradation – a vulnerability that is likely to increase as a result of climate change. Accordingly many efforts have been undertaken in recent decades to restore aquatic ecosystems at scales ranging from small headwaters streams to large wetland complexes, watersheds and estuaries. While these restoration projects have sought to restore natural processes and conditions, restoration scientists and practitioners have had to remain mindful of the reality that humans depend on aquatic ecosystems for survival and will continue to demand the services they provide. The challenge for aquatic ecosystem restoration, then, is to achieve restoration goals while continuing to meet human demands.
This symposium brings together speakers who have taken part in a range of ecosystem restoration projects, and who will provide insights on the challenges and opportunities of restoring riparian and aquatic ecosystems for multiple ecosystem services. In so doing they will address not only the restoration practices they have employed and the ecological bases for those practices, but also how they have engaged stakeholders in identifying the services most in demand and in resolving potential conflicts caused by demands for different services among different constituencies. Symposium topics span a range of scales and restoration contexts, from small urban streams to large watersheds to saline wetlands, facing threats from extensive land use and invasive species in environments that span the Western Hemisphere. Speakers represent a diversity of employers from academic and scientific institutions to nonprofits to metropolitan government, whose involvements range from practitioner to organizer to science advisor to independent researcher, and their work spans North America. The symposium will conclude with a panel discussion designed to help attendees navigate the complexities of incorporating multiple ecosystem services into restoration planning while collaborating or consulting with a range of constituencies that may make conflicting demands from restored systems.
8:30 AM
Restoration goals and endangered species protection in San Francisco bay tidal marshes
Michael L. Casazza, U.S. Geological Survey;
Cory Overton, Western Ecological Research Center, Dixon Field Station, U.S. Geological Survey;
Thuy-Vy Bui, Western Ecological Research Center, Dixon Field Station, U.S. Geological Survey;
Joshua M. Hull, University of California;
Joy Albertson, United States Fish and Wildlife Service;
Valary Bloom, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service;
Steven Bobzien, East Bay Regional Park District;
Jennifer T. McBroom, Invasive Spartina Project;
Marilyn Latta, California State Coastal Conservancy;
Peggy Olofson, Invasive Spartina Project;
Tobias Rohmer, Invasive Spartina Project;
Steven Schwarzbach, Western Ecological Research Center, Dixon Field Station, U.S. Geological Survey;
Donald R. Strong, University of California, Davis;
Erik Grijalva, U.C. Davis;
Julian Wood, PRBO Conservation Science;
Shannon Skalos, Western Ecological Research Center, Dixon Field Station, U.S. Geological Survey;
John Y. Takekawa, Audubon California
10:10 AM
Restoring riparian ecosystems in northwestern Oregon, USA
Peter Guillozet, Metro;
Bruce Barbarasch, Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District;
Zachary Bergen, Clackamas River Basin Council;
Daniel Evans, Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership;
John Goetz III, Clean Water Services;
Kathleen Guillozet, Bonneville Environmental Foundation;
Mary Logalbo, West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District;
Lucas Nipp, East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District;
Toby M. Query, City of Portland;
Jenne Reische, Clackamas Soil & Water Conservation District;
Gail Shaloum, Clackamas County;
Aaron Shaw, Tualatin Soil & Water Conservation District;
Tonia Williamson, North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District