2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6 -- 11)

OOS 21 - Integrating Functional and Phylogenetic Diversity to Understand the Delivery of Ecosystem Services

Wednesday, August 9, 2017: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Portland Blrm 255, Oregon Convention Center
Christopher M. Swan
Christopher M. Swan
Society is experiencing loss of biodiversity in species trait diversity, as well as shifts in the degree of shared evolutionary history within ecological assemblages. As biodiversity is the foundation for nearly all ecosystem services, the known relationships between biodiversity and material cycling likely inform the translation into ecosystem services. As the concept of the ecosystem service is of interest not only to scientists but also to policy makers and stakeholders, understanding the relationship between these three components is of keen interest to scientists and practitioners alike. The goal of this session is to bring together experts in biodiversity science to discuss how their findings on how taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity inform the patterns and processes involved in regulating rates of ecosystem functions and services. This discussion aligns well with the theme of the Annual Meeting, and is timely given the emphasis Portland places on sustainability in general.
8:00 AM
The functional diversity of adaptive landscapes
Mathew R. Helmus, Temple University; Jocelyn E. Behm, Temple University
8:40 AM
Consequences of functional traits and phylogenetic diversity for the provision of biomass, cycling of nutrients, and regulation of herbivores in tree diversity experiments
Jake J. Grossman, University of Minnesota; Jeannine Cavender-Bares, University of Minnesota; Sarah E. Hobbie, University of Minnesota; Peter B. Reich, University of Minnesota; Rebecca A. Montgomery, University of Minnesota
9:20 AM
The independent and interactive effects of plant functional and phylogenetic diversity on urban ecosystem services
Anna L. Johnson, University of Pittsburgh; Christopher M. Swan, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
Mapping phylogenetic diversity on to ecosystem function and service: Case studies and challenges
William D. Pearse, Utah State University; James Rosindell, Imperial College London; Florent Mazel, Simon Fraser University; Nisha Owen, Zoological Society of London
10:10 AM
The effects of climate and soil on the prevalence of alternative mycorrhizal symbioses depend on plant phylogeny
Brad Oberle, New College of Florida; Daniel J. McGlinn, College of Charleston; Kabir Peay, Stanford University; Dylan Schwilk, Texas Tech University; Gijsbert Werner, University of Oxford; Hafiz Maherali, University of Guelph
10:50 AM
How can we manage microbial functions to restore ecosystem services in human-dominated landscapes?
Ariane Peralta, East Carolina University; Mario E. Muscarella, University of Illinois
11:10 AM
Phylogenetic diversity as a target and possible tool in ecological restoration
Evelyn W. Williams, Chicago Botanic Garden; Rebecca S. Barak, Chicago Botanic Garden; Daniel J. Larkin, University of Minnesota; Andrew L. Hipp, The Morton Arboretum