2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6 -- 11)

COS 91-9 - Partitioning internal diffusion resistances and CO2 isotope exchange in leaves

Wednesday, August 9, 2017: 10:50 AM
D138, Oregon Convention Center
Jason West1, Jérôme Ogée2, Régis Burlett2, Teresa E. Gimeno2, Bernard Genty3, Samuel Jones2, Steven Wohl2, Alexandre Bosc2, Yann Cochet2, Jean-Christophe Domec4 and Lisa Wingate2, (1)Ecosystem Science and Management, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, (2)ISPA, INRA Centre Bordeaux Aquitaine, France, (3)CNRS/CEA/Aix-Marseille Université, France, (4)Bordeaux Sciences-Agro, University of Bordeaux, Gradignan Cedex, France

The isotopic composition of atmospheric CO218O and δ13C) has the potential to constrain the carbon cycle at a range of scales, in particular partitioning net CO2 exchanges into component gross fluxes and providing insights to linked C and water fluxes. There are significant limitations, however, to the quantitative application of this approach, in part because of uncertainties associated with the isotope exchange of CO2 with leaf water and the diffusion of CO2 inside leaves. The degree of isotopic heterogeneity of leaf water, spatial distributions and activities of carbonic anhydrases, and varying resistances to diffusion of CO2 from the substomatal cavity to chloroplasts are all key components with important uncertainties. Better constraints on these would yield insights to fundamental aspects of leaf physiology, as well as improve our ability to understand and model the terrestrial C cycle. Using laser spectroscopy, we developed a system that permits the simultaneous measurement of the 13C and 18O isotopic composition of CO2 and the 18O of leaf transpiration, while rapidly changing the isotopic composition of the source CO2.


Our approach should allow key model parameters to be derived directly and simultaneously by taking advantage of constant gas exchange conditions across different source gas isotopic compositions. We utilize the system here to partition internal CO2 diffusion resistances (total, to the limit carbonic anhydrase activity, and to RUBISCO activity) for three species (Helianthus annuus, Nicotiana tabacum, Arabidopsis thaliana). Measurements were made under constant temperature, CO2, and O2 conditions, with similar VPD and under high light. System stability was good, with constant photosynthetic fluxes, stomatal conductances and transpiration across states. While 18O-derived estimates of internal conductance were similar across the two states and varied significantly across species, 13C-derived estimates were less consistent, though species differences were still evident. The results demonstrated that the approach can be used to partition internal diffusional resistances and point to future efforts to better refine the use of CO2 isotope ratios to study leaf gas exchange.