2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6 -- 11)

PS 45-169 - An evaluation on low-carbon development of underdeveloped western China

Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Exhibit Hall, Oregon Convention Center
Yao Qian, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Urban Environment, Xiamen, China
Low-carbon development is the international trend of tackling climate change, which is also the effective method to balance economic growth and environmental improvement in China. It is important to promote the low-carbon development of underdeveloped Western China, as it is the key to fulfill overall low-carbon development of China. Based on energy end-use, the low-carbon development level of underdeveloped Western China is assessed by the index system. And it can be divided into three subsystems, including economic-social development, carbon source-sink control, and sci-tech investment.


The results show that there is a significant promotion of low-carbon development level in the whole Northwest China, with the scores increasing from -3.76 to 4.81 between 2000 and 2012. In parallel, the rises are varying from different provinces, especially for Shaanxi Province. In order to achieve the goals of economic development and environmental improvement, a low-carbon poverty-relief framework is established comprehensively, guided by the government and dominated by the market.