2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6 -- 11)

IGN 22-5 - Reactions to coastal saltwater intrusion: Creating a landowner typology for mapping vulnerability

Friday, August 11, 2017
C123, Oregon Convention Center
Todd BenDor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Todd BenDor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Sea level rise will transform much of the outer edge of the Southern US coastal plain. A variety of actions -- including infrastructure investments and retreat -- taken in the intervening decades will determine resident vulnerability to economic and environmental shocks from storm surges and saltwater intrusion. This talk explores findings of a survey of residents (March 2017; n=750) in the five counties comprising North Carolina’s Albemarle-Pamlico Peninsula. Using responses about attitudes, opinions, and future plans in the face of various saltwater intrusion scenarios, we create a landowner typology to focus geo-spatial scenarios describing changes in future saltwater intrusion vulnerability.