2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6 -- 11)

IGN 11-10 - Integrated findings and considerations for land management

Tuesday, August 8, 2017
C123, Oregon Convention Center
Peter A. Stine, Pacific Southwest Research Station, (Retired) USDA Forest Service, Davis, CA
Considerable new science has been developed in the Northwest Forest Plan area. Some issues are now more clearly understood, others are more complex than we originally understood, and new issues/questions are emerging. Basic concerns that motivated the development of the NWFP have been extensively addressed and much has been learned. We now recognize the importance of social-ecological interactions on complex land management activities. Considerations such as conflicting values, tradeoffs between objectives, lack of trust in public agencies, combined with significant regional variability and uncertain futures resulting from climate change challenge our ability to apply scientific findings into management action.