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PS 21
- Grasslands
Wednesday, August 10, 2016: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
ESA Exhibit Hall, Ft Lauderdale Convention Center
PS 21-79
Not every extreme climate event is equal: Ecosystem response to extreme rainfall in the Southern Great Plains, United States
Jien Zhang
Lehigh University
Benjamin S. Felzer
Lehigh University
PS 21-80
Effects of climate change on prescribed fire seasons in the Northern Great Plains
Kathryn Yurkonis
University of North Dakota
Josephine Dillon
University of North Dakota
Darci Brown
Badger Creek Wildfire
Wayne Brown
Badger Creek Wildfire
Brett J. Goodwin
University of North Dakota
PS 21-81
Characteristics of northern Idaho ground squirrel
Urocitellus brunneus
Keala N Bush
University of Idaho
Amanda R. Goldberg
University of Idaho
Courtney J Conway
U.S. Geological Survey, Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
PS 21-82
Biogeographical patterns of herbivory in dominant rangeland grasses of North America
Dylan R. Kent
University of New Mexico
Joshua S. Lynn
University of New Mexico
Scott L. Collins
University of New Mexico
Steven Pennings
University of Houston
Jennifer A. Rudgers
University of New Mexico
PS 21-83
Species gain, not species loss, affects phylogenetic community structure of a semi-arid grassland after nitrogen fertilization
Xian Yang
Georgia Institute of Technology
Lin Jiang
Georgia Institute of Technology
PS 21-84
Invasion by
Bothriochloa ischaemum
alters plant community composition and soil biotic and abiotic properties of a native tallgrass prairie ecosystem
Parker Coppick
Oklahoma State University
Gail Wilson
Oklahoma State University
Karen Hickman
Oklahoma State University
Katherine L. Zaiger
Oklahoma State University
PS 21-85
Can inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve grassland restoration success?
Malou S. Edano
Oklahoma State Univeristy
Parker Coppick
Oklahoma State University
Karen R. Hickman
Oklahoma State University
Adam Cobb
Oklahoma State University
Gail Wilson
Oklahoma State University
PS 21-86
Evidence for rapid evolution of
Bromus rubens
in Southern California
Chandler Puritty
University of California- San Diego
Elsa Cleland
University of California San Diego
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