PS 5 - Invasion

Monday, August 8, 2016: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
ESA Exhibit Hall, Ft Lauderdale Convention Center
PS 5-48
The invasive vine Lonicera japonica overcomes pollinator phenological mismatch through morphologic plasticity (widthdrawn)
Katherine C. Larson, University of Central Arkansas; Jessica Needham, University of Central Arkansas
Invasion scratches more than just the surface: Soil seed reservoirs of exotic and native desert annuals
Hadas A. Parag, Rutgers University; Jennifer L. Schafer, William Jewell College; Carolyn E. Haines-Klaube, The College of New Jersey; Marjolein Schat, Rutgers University; Erika L. Mudrak, Cornell University; Andres Fuentes-Ramirez, Universidad de La Frontera; Kirk A. Moloney, Iowa State University; Claus Holzapfel, Rutgers University
Forest community changes in northeast Ohio pre- and post-emerald ash borer (EAB) invasion: 1974-2015
Roger Laushman, Oberlin College; Laura Shriver, Oberlin College; Amy Johnson Wensink, Oberlin College
Comparison of phenotypic traits of Phragmites australis: A study of hybrid populations between native and introduced lineages in the Southwest
Randall W. Long, University of California Santa Barbara; Adam Lambert, University of California Santa Barbara; Nick Rice, Southern Nevada Water Authority; Jared Williams, University of California, Santa Barbara
Competitive responses of Miscanthus feral, biofuel, and horticultural biotypes: Implications for cultivation
Maria N. Miriti, The Ohio State University; Tahir Ibrahim, The Ohio State University; Catherine Bonin, Iowa State University; Evans Mutegi, The Ohio State University; Emily Heaton, Iowa State University; Destiny Palik, The Ohio State University; Allison Snow, The Ohio State University
Do fungi mediate seed viability in the seed bank of an invasive and native species?
Shayla R. Williams, Colby College; Cathy D. Collins, Colby College
Incorporation of biotype alters species distribution model predictions of suitable habitat for the invasive aquatic macrophyte Hydrilla verticillata
Sasha Danielle Soto, Texas Tech University; Carl Mach, Ecology and Environment, Inc.; Carlos Portillo, Texas Tech University; Christina Rockwell, Ecology and Environment, Inc.; Kris Erickson, Ecology and Environment, Inc.; Matthew A. Barnes, Texas Tech University
The effects of invasion and nitrogen deposition on litter decomposition in California grasslands
Eliza Hernández, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Erin Questad, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Wallace M. Meyer III, Pomona College; Katharine N. Suding, University of Colorado
Effects of propagule pressure and native community connectivity on invasion success in metacommunities
Gabrielle E. King, University of Alabama; Jennifer G. Howeth, University of Alabama
Trophic interactions and the efficacy of the milfoil weevil (Euhrychipsis lecontei) for the biocontrol of Eurasian water-milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) in Wisconsin lakes
Kristopher A. Maxson, Missouri State University; John E. Havel, Missouri State University; Susan Knight, University of Wisconsin
High phosphorus soils linked to landscape-level differences in plant performance in invasive Alliaria petiolata
Nathan J. Madonich, Ohio Wesleyan University; Laurel J. Anderson, Ohio Wesleyan University
Effect of prescribed burning and soil disturbance on the spread of Caesar's weed (Urena lobata) in pine flatwoods
Daniel H. Hagood, Florida Atlantic University; Brian W. Benscoter, Florida Atlantic University; Justin Nolte, South Florida Water Management District
Varying site characteristics and their effect on the reproductive output of lesser celandine (Ranunculus ficaria)
Justin P Kermack, Cleveland State University; Emily Rauschert, Cleveland State University
A field test on the effectiveness of milfoil weevil for controlling Eurasian water-milfoil
John E. Havel, Missouri State University; Susan Knight, University of Wisconsin; Kristopher A. Maxson, Missouri State University
Ecological effects of non-native Pacific salmon and brown trout on native brook trout in Great Lakes tributaries
David N. Weber Jr., University of Notre Dame; Brandon Gerig, University of Notre Dame; Lillian McGill, University of Notre Dame; Dominic Chaloner, University of Notre Dame; Gary A. Lamberti, University of Notre Dame
The indirect effects of biological invaders as a novel prey for a native predator
Christopher A. Johnson, Ohio State University; Lauren M. Pintor, The Ohio State University
Invasive orchids exploit diverse fungal communities within the urban environment
Jason L. Downing, International Center for Tropical Botany and Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, Coral Gables, Florida; Jorge Lopez Perez, International Center for Tropical Botany and Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University, Miami, Florida; Dailen Alonso, International Center for Tropical Botany and Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University, Miami, Florida; Jay Arce, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, Coral Gables, Florida; Hong Liu, International Center for Tropical Botany and Department of Earth and Environment, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, Coral Gables, Florida
Parasite spillover: Invasive Burmese pythons introduce a non-native parasite to native snakes in southern Florida
Melissa A. Miller, Auburn University; John M. Kinsella, HelmWest Laboratory; Ray W. Snow, National Park Service; Bryan Falk, South Florida Natural Resources Center, National Park Service; Robert N. Reed, US Geological Survey; Scott M. Goetz, Auburn University; Lindsey Garner, Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, University of Florida; Frank Mazzotti, Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, University of Florida; Craig Guyer, Auburn University; Christina Romagosa, University of Florida
Plant-microbe linkages in encroached hill prairie communities
Samantha J Chavez, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Anthony Yannarell, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; John Taft, Illinois Natural History Survey
Spectral detection of an invasive grass species under simulated drought
Yuxi Guo, University of Florida; Sarah Graves, University of Florida; Catherine Fahey, University of Florida; Luke Flory, University of Florida; Paul Gader, University of Florida; Stephanie Bohlman, University of Florida
Complex landscapes in the American Southwest: Are desertified systems “novel”?
Debra P.C. Peters, Jornada Basin LTER Program; Steve R. Archer, University of Arizona; Osvaldo E. Sala, Arizona State University; Enrique Vivoni, Arizona State University; Kris M. Havstad, USDA Agricultural Research Service; Curtis Monger, New Mexico State University; Jin Yao, USDA ARS; Nathan Burruss, Jornada Basin LTER Program
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