The species migration under climate variability – insight into northeast monsoon in south of Taiwan Chieh-Yu Liao, National Chiayi University;
Wei-Chun Chao, National Chiayi University;
I-Ling Lai, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology;
Kuo-Jung Chao, National Chung Hsing University;
Guo-Zhang Michael Song, National Chung Hsing University;
Jianwu Tang, Marine Biological Laboratory
A century of change on the Colorado Plateau (widthdrawn) Anne E. Kelly, US Geological Survey, Southwest Biological Science Center;
Michael Duniway, U.S. Geological Survey;
Robert H. Webb, USGS;
Mark E. Miller, National Park Service;
Jayne Belnap, U.S. Geological Survey